Top Row: Lost Corner, Stray Sheep (limited edtion, box + keychain set), Bouquet and Burial at Sea
Second Row: Uma to Shika (limited editon, no side ver.), Flamingo/Teenage Riot (limited editon w/ dice)
By the way, that sure looks like a signature on that one album, doesn't it? Given that I found it in a sale pile at a midwestern anime convention, I kiiinda doubt its authenticity.
Left Shirt: 1st collaboration with Uniqlo. Right Shirt: 2nd collaboration with Uniqlo.
Rubber Bracelet: Order bonus for the Uma to Shika single.
Dice set from the Flamingo/Teenage Riot single.
Left: Clear file, Stray Sheep order bonus. Right: Double sided clear file, Lost Corner order bonus.
Here's an art metals piece I made in high school based on the Go Go Ghost Ship music video! The color treatment has faded a bit on the finer details, but it still looks decent I think.
Fan art of Kenshi Yonezu from his Pop Song music video.