03-04-25: updated friend code list
02-19-25: fixed a couple things with the kyousougiga page
02-17-25: dark mode is here!!!
02-12-25: moved the follow button to the nav
02-11-25: tooltip styling???? now the title attribute is styled. some more minor edits
02-10-25: a villager has moved in. hi Petri! also added a few stamps
02-08-25: new blog post! villager Celia moved out
02-06-25: some minor css tweaking
01-21-25: updated Kenshi Yonezu shrine with latest release
01-19-25: villager Timbra has moved out. Bob has moved in!
01-12-25: complete overhaul of css, not that it will look super different. please hard refresh!
01-10-25: villager Bianca has moved out... and Erik has moved in!
01-03-25: new graphic and figure in vault
12-30-24: villager Deli has moved out... and Dotty has moved in!
12-29-24: retook some vault photos in better lighting
12-29-24: new pin in the vault
12-24-24: new figures added to vault, and new blog post
12-22-24: all new shrine pages are up!!
12-16-24: a villager has moved in. hi Deli!
12-15-24: a villager has moved out. bye Hugh!
12-13-24: i have a status cafe now i guess
12-12-24: new shrine up (real). it's mostly complete
12-04-24: I AM FREE FROM KH Re:CoM LEVEL GRINDING!! also added some site buttons
12-02-24: making things responsive for safari is a pain but the footer should always be visible now
11-26-24: a new villager moved in! hi Sly!
11-22-24: edited blog post
11-21-24: new blog post
11-18-24: a villager has moved out. bye Deirdre!
11-17-24: new blog post
11-07-24: added figure to vault. he gets his own section :)
11-05-24: minor layout rearranging and redid music playlist
11-03-24: added more decoration to index :D
11-02-24: new villager moved in! hi Timbra!
10-30-24: ok tweaked mobile layout!! most recent update should be visible!
10-29-24: a new villager moved in! hi Bianca! also, kyousougiga shrine should be responsive now
10-27-24: added clique section to home page
10-26-24: update log should now fill remaining space if sidebar gets taller, edited about
10-25-24: updated gallery page in kyousougiga shrine
10-24-24: more additons to vault, a villager moved out, bye Twiggy :(
10-22-24: minor fixes no one but me would notice lol, edited about
10-21-24: added pin section to vault + some other things...
10-20-24: new villager moved in! hi Deirdre!
10-18-24: changed song link section to music player!
10-17-24: minor blog styling, fixed nav on kyousougiga page
10-16-24: rearranged a few things, new sitebox look