Doodle of a crow squawking

Welcome To My Site!

Hello! I made this site to practice my html and css skills! It is best viewed on desktop, but it will also work on mobile (though it won't look as interesting). I've tested it on firefox and chrome (and safari). I'm still a beginner so if something's scuffed or looks broken that's why OTL.

I love collecting things like stickers, pins, keychains, and figurines. I'm a bit of a completionist when I play games and I try to collect rare items and achievements. I want use this site to collect digital things like buttons and stamps!

To Do

  • dark mode
  • media log page?
  • make shrine(s) responsive
  • reorganize files
  • clean up css
  • get started on other shrines
  • tweak header

My Site Buttons

Click to download, please no hotlinking! Black or white border available.

Yatagarasu site button
Yatagarasu site button

Neighbors on the Neko Web

I'm really bad at remembering to add buttons back. If you added my button and would like me to add yours, feel free to leave a message!

amfmradio aoki553 calico chujufer A button with a small purple coffee cup and the text 'coffeknife.nekoweb.org' CRT Static DeltaFrost Button dreamscape Electric-Tenshi Everything is Blurry Felix Fever Genkwa Joosh july.lol Kafu Koba's 88x31 Button mako energy milkbones Mori Kei onthequiet rice Roller Girlz HQ Seraphim v1v1sect1on

Other Cool Sites

adilene.net cloverbell dokodemo petrapixel Unicode Angel Whimsical!



Kingdom Hearts web clique Pokemon clique Adopt a Moogle web clique Kirby adoption clique
Final Fantasy Crystal Guardian pixel clique
dogperson Beagle
aromatic // Fresh Laundry
Kenshi Yonezu Play it Loud Clique Go Go Ghost Ship
Angel Number 777


Vincent Valentine fanlisting Jiang Cheng fanlisting Prompto Argentum fanlisting KakaIru fanlisting Emu Otori fanlisting Misaka Mikoto fanlisting KH Aqua fanlisting Princess Tutu fanlisting Kingdom Hearts fanlisting Transistor game fanlisting Hollow Knight fanlisting Legend of Zelda fnalisting ONE OK ROCK fanlisting Paleontology fanlisting Sea Bunnies fanlisting

Currently Achievement Hunting

Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 2.5 Remix logo Kingdom Hearts
-HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX-

Achievement Progress 143 of 197

Elden Ring logo Elden Ring

Achievement Progress 42 of 42 (YIPPEE)

My Animal Crossing Island Residents
