Viewing Guide

Kyousougiga ONA
 Air Date: Dec. 1, 2011
 Episodes: 1
 Runtime: 25 min.

The contents of the ONA episodes are covered in the anime, meaning they are optional if you watch the anime series, but they are still wonderfully animated in their own right so I recoomend giving them a watch anyway.

Kyousougiga (2012)
 Air Date: Aug. 31 to Dec. 22, 2012
 Episodes: 5
 Runtime: 10 min/ep.

This series is a continuation of the 2011 ONA. Most of what is in here is covered in the TV series. The plot differs slightly in some places, so watching the ONA and TV anime in succession may be confusing.

Kyousougiga (TV)
 Air Date: Oct. 10 to Dec. 19, 2013
 Episodes: 10 + 3 specials
 Runtime: 25 min/ep.

The TV anime contains 3 special episodes. Ep. 0 is the original ONA with new music.
I recommend watching it especially if you skip the 2011 version. Ep. 5.5 is a tour with two voice actors as they visit locations around real-life Kyoto and learn about how they inspired places in the anime. Watching this is not necessary, but it contains interesting context, so I would recommend it as well. Episode 10.5 is a recap episode. I would skip this episode unless you need additional information in the form of a summary.

Episode List

0 "Introductory Chapter" {Special]
1 "A Family's Circumstances and Its Background"
2 "What Came Was a Little Sister"
3 "The Eldest and His Happy Science Team"
4 "The Second Daughter and Her Wonderful Monsters"
5 "The Worries, Beginning, and Ending of the Young Third Son"
5.5 The Kyoto Live Action Chapter {Special]
6 "A Story Where Two Plan and One Worries"
7 "Mom's Back, and oh, Dad`s Back, Too"
8 "A Story of a Fight Between Here and There"
9 "Let's All Think About What We Can Do!"
10 "A Manga Movie About People Who Have a Fun, Busy Life"
10.5 Review [Special]

Data from here.