Welcome to Diorama, a site dedicated to the musician and artist Kenshi Yonezu!

Here you will find information about him, his works, my own thoughts related to his music and artwork, and my collection of related goods.

Headshot of Kenshi Yonezu in a bright red suit

Kenshi Yonezu began releasing music in 2009 on the Japanese video sharing site Nico Nico Douga and has since had his music used as theme songs for popular anime, movies, and dramas. You may be familiar with Orion, the ending song for March Comes in Like a Lion; Peace Sign, the opening song for My Hero Acadamia; or Kick Back, the opening song of Chainsaw Man. If you are a Vocaloid fan, you might know him as Hachi, the producer behind iconic songs such as Matryoshka, Donut hole, and Sand Planet.

In 2012, after a few years as Hachi, he debuted under his real name, using his own voice. His first album released after this change was Diorama, which is the namesake of this site.

I first discovered Kenshi Yonezu in middle school while he was still primarily active as Hachi. I don't remember specifics, but it was right around the time he was switching to producing music under his real name. Diorama was actually the second album I ever bought on my iPod! Needless to say, his music has been with me though the good and the bad moments. Addionally, his growth as an artist has always been an inspiration to me, and it's been really cool to see him develop and refine his style, both musically and artistically.

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